Thursday, January 15, 2009

Have some mercy...

this is not war. what ever happen in Palestine right now, at this very moment, this isn't a war. If its war, it will involve two militaries.. and what happen now is the Isreal are attacking the civillians.. ini bukan perang, tapi PENINDASAN..

sanggupkah kita lihat penderitaan yg x berkesudahan ini..
apakah salah mereka??

when one of the minister suggested we, Malaysians, to boycott Israel's and American's product, there are various reaction made by our beloved citizens. and while i browsing on the net, i found a few blogs make fun of it. I understand that u have a great sence of humor, but to make fun upon this matter, bro u totally got it wrong time. Do have a lil sympathy for them? How do feel if one of your family members are among the victims?? I just have one thing to say to you maron, if got nothing nice to say, better keep your mouth shut.. and it will helps a looott...

mari boikot ISREAL!!!

mari boikot US.. sebab mereka menyokong tindakan Israel..

yesterday i saw this clips on the news.. man.. pity them.. they are innocent there was this clip where a 4 or 5-year-old sister holding her baby sister (probably 1-year-old) in her arm. the poor baby was crying and her head bleed.. omg!! poor little girl.. later on i just set my eyes on the news paper cz i can't look at another clips.. sungguh x sangguuppp...

bagaimana mereka boleh menyokong israel yg seterusnya menyebabkan ramai bayi n kanak2 yg x berdosa menjadi korban.. produk mereka adalah produk penjagaan bayi yg mana mneg-endos keselesaan bayi n penjagaan bayi.. tp pada hakikat nya, mereka menyokong perbuatan yang boleh menyebabkan nyawa anak kecik terkorban.. misi n visi perniagaan sungguh tidak selari ..shame on you..

wahai semua saudara seagamaku, marilah kita berdoa agar perkara ini dihentikan secepat mungkin.. sekiranya bukan kita membantu saudara seagama kita, siapa lagi.. dan saya merayu kepada pambaca blog ini agar sama2 memboikot barang keluaran israel dan amerika. lagi ramai memboikot, ia akan sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan ekonomi mereka.. sekiranya, anda mempunyai blog, tulislah mengenai ini supaya ia dapat membantu saudara kita.. Mungkin usaha ini nampak begitu kecil, namun sekiranya kita bersama2 bekerja ke arah itu, insya allah, Allah akan membantu.. Tentu pernah dgr cerita mengenai perbezaan mematahkan sebatang lidi dgn seberkas lidi...

i use for EL for my make up n cllinique for the facial care.. and right now, i'm sooo not proud of it.. once its finish, and you they still support for Israel, that is it no more these brands for me..

Hey Bush.. look at what have you done.. because of your action, it effects lots people.. including your people..

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